If you have been considering buying ground source heat appliances for your home then you are thinking about an economical and environmentally friendly way to heat your home. You should also be thinking about the installation problems that some people face when they decide to switch from their current boiler system to a ground source heat system.
If the structure that is going to be using the ground source heat is a new construction then the installation of the appliance and the necessary attachments will be no problem. Before the structure actually goes up you will have the installation crew come to the property and map out where the pipes will need to be laid in the ground.
Even if you are normally a do it yourself type of person you will not be installing these items yourself. You need n expert to do the installation properly. Professional know exactly how far underground the pipes have to be placed and they know exactly how many feet of pipe must be installed in order for you to have a sufficient heat source for a home the size of the one you have. These appliances are not doing it yourself units.
If you are converting from another type of heating system in a pre-existing structure you can still install ground source heat appliances, but the installation is a little more difficult, and sometimes a little more expensive, than it is for new construction. When there is plenty of room around the structure the pipes are laid into trenches horizontally, but for structures that are already standing the space to lay the amount of pipes needed may be an issue. When this occurs the pipes are placed into the ground vertically. Digging the vertical holes for the piping is more time consuming and thus it is more expensive to have done. Connecting the loops that the liquid will make through the sections of pipe is also more difficult and this also increases the price of installation.
You have likely heard the old saying about a penny saved is a penny earned and when it comes to heating your home in this manner you are saving many pennies every month of the year. Heating and cooling are some of the largest expenses we have each year in connection with our homes. Heating a home with the free fuel that the earth provides makes the cost of heating and cooling easier to take.
Once you have paid the initial installation charge, and purchased all of the necessary equipment to connect the components you will need in your house, you will be finished paying for the heat and the cool air that the unit will provide. When you install a boiler that uses mains gas then you will have to buy mains gas every month to operate the unit. If the gas prices go up all you can do about it is gripe. You still need the gas to heat your home. If your het is coming naturally from the heat stored beneath the upper layer of the earth then the price never goes up.
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